Abu Dhabi Polytechnic
Research & Innovation

Research Groups

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S= Sinle
Group IDDepartmentProjectStatus
01 ASDGroundwater Quality in Abu Dhabi EmirateS
02 ASD-PETFloating barge wave energy conversion systemsJ
03 AEETOpen Source Nucliaer Reactor Simulator for LearninS
04 AEETBaseline radiological risk assessment in arid enviS
05 AEET-ASDThe efficiency of new proton and neutron beams in delivering a therapeutic dose to deeply tumorsJ
13 AET-AMAdvance Health Monitoring and Maintenance of the WJ
14 AET-AMIntelligent systems: Design of sensor systems for J
16 AET-AMWind tunnel Set up: To facilitate the experimentalJ
17 ASDGreen Laboratories: Chemcial Waste ManagementS
24 ISETBig Data, Block Chain, Artificial Intelligence, MaS
25 ISETNetwork Security, Firewall and intrusion Analysis,S
26 ISETAll aspects of system security, Block chain, IoT, S
27 ASDNanomaterials (Composite, core-shell, particles) aS
28 ASDNanomaterials (Composite, core-shell, particles) aS
29 ASDEffect of high performance student on his classmatS
30 METEOHigh-Resolution Dynamical Downscaling using the PRJ
31 AETSensors and Sensor SystemsS
32 AETSetting up a Flight Simulation LabS
36 AMNovel Morphing wingS
37 AMWind tunnel set up for aeroelastic and ground vibrS
38 AMInnovations in Aerospace EducationS
39 AMAirline Disruption ManagementS
40 AMADPoly Database of Aircraft Maintenance Hazards S
41 AMAutomated Drone-Based Aircraft Maintenance InspectS
42 AMAdvance Health Monitoring and Maintenance of the wS
46 AMAutomating robot with Artificial intelligence to pS
48 AM-AETIntelligent Systems: Design of sensor systems for J
49 ASDDigital Signal and Image Processing (DSIP) and theS
50 EMET-AMCloud SeedingJ
51 PETModeling Fluid Flow in Tight Unconventional ReservS
52 PETThermoelastic Fracturing on Water Injectors as ParS
53 PETNew Acid Recipe Design for Inactive String ReactivS
54 ASD-PETGroundwater Quality in Abu Dhabi Emirate S
55 PETHydrocarbon potentiality and thermal maturity of SS
56 PETThermal evolution of organic matter in shale – imS
57 AMTDetection of wake turbulence in flight by use of optical scintolometerS
58 AMTAugmented Reality/Virtual Reality for aircraft maintenanceS
59 AMTArtificial SattelliteS